Foi assinada a declaração conjunta da 14ª Conferência Europeia de Saúde Pública pela European Public Health Association (EUPHA) e os seus parceiros, onde se inclui a ANMSP. Esta declaração pretende destacar o papel de líder da Saúde Pública na manutenção duma sociedade funcionante e saudável e a importância da existência de profissionais qualificados nesta área como o que mais importante se aprendeu com a pandemia.

The 2021 European Public Health Conference Statement
The European Public Health Association and partners, meeting at the Virtual European Public Health Conference from 10-12 November 2021, urge all governments to build back better and fairer after the COVID-19 pandemic, and in ways that will limit climate change and its impacts.
We call upon national and international decision-makers to:
Base decisions and actions on the best available evidence, acknowledging that this may change;
Invest in health systems, information systems, and a qualified (public) health workforce;
Acknowledge public health and the public’s health as cornerstones for a healthy and functioning society;
Follow the guiding principles of Health in All Policies to ensure a whole-of-society approach to public health; and
Focus on reducing health inequalities within and between countries by direct policy action.
Clique para aceder à declaração assinada por todos os parceiros e consultar o texto integral da mesma.